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Writer's pictureLizz Wheeler

Home organization: where to begin?

The thought of organizing your home is most likely overwhelming. If you have a lot of clutter, or children, or a lot of space to cover, it can feel like a never-ending undertaking. As professional organizers, we completely get it! And, there are rules to follow when it comes to simply starting. Below we map out a few tips that will help you get started when it comes to tackling any organization project!

Write it down

Literally. Do a walk-through of your home and make a list of the rooms and spaces you would like to tackle from highest priority to least priority. Make sure everyone in your household is aware of these spaces, too. When everyone can see what the projects are it's easier to get the whole family on board. Once you have the list set and your family on board it's time to set attainable timelines for completing the different organization projects. Be realistic always set yourself and your family up for success!

Start small

If organizing, decluttering and purging don't come naturally to you just dip your toe in the water to get started. We recommend a junk drawer or utensils. Things that generally do not hold a lot of value will help you start processing what can stay and what needs to go. It's also quite literally a small space, which in turn, leads to less overwhelm when you start the project.

Tackle one room at a time

If your priority list consists of the kitchen, the garage, the basement and your bedroom closet, make sure you are not trying to do it all at once. That's a surefire way to set yourself up for failure and frustration. Start with the space that appeals to you most or that you spend the most time in. The kitchen is a great place to begin for many because so much time is spent there. We suggest starting with. the junk drawer, followed by other utensil drawers, and that then leads into dishes, pots, pans, serving dishes, etc. Once the cabinets and drawers are organized you can move onto the fridge, freezer and pantry. And, voila! The kitchen is done. Again, the goal is to take baby steps for getting organized and staying organized in the long term.

Create a sorting system

A sorting system when organizing a room simply means create a pile for keep, a pile for donate, and a pile for toss. This '3 pile' method is pretty common when it comes to decluttering, and we can assure you it makes the process go much smoother. Once you've sorted through a room you'll then take the 'keep' pile and begin to create a home for each of those items in the room. Everything you own should have a home. The 'donate' pile should immediately go into your car and taken for donation. The 'toss' pile should head straight to the garbage.

Clear your surfaces

Take 10-20 minutes every single day to declutter common spaces such as the counter, the coffee table, the desk, the kitchen table. This should be a practice that moves through life with you and your family. Your mail should have a designated spot that it goes to sort, the car keys should be placed on a key holder, and your cleaning spray should be put away when you're done wiping the counters. These seem like little and insignificant changes, but as you notice the counters staying clear on a more consistent basis you will be thanking us! Having clutter free surfaces helps your brain see the space clearer when it comes to daily tasks or tackling an organization project.

Spring is right around the corner, and it's a great time to get started on your spring cleaning and organizing projects. Use these tips to help you get started and successfully get organized!


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